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5.00 Rated by 5 users
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June 24, 2020 15:32
The leadership, with the guidance of Pastor Daniel Meyer, are exceptional. They lead and live through the lens of the Bible. The church offers opportunities to learn and grow as people of God. The opportunities are diverse and applicable to dynamic needs of the church population, from all age categories. The culture is palpable, most appreciated is the milieu of unconditional respect and love.
February 24, 2020 04:13
Great church and people there. Pastors are just fantastic.
November 24, 2019 03:04
I have gone to your Saturday evening worship twice this month. I enjoyed it a lot. The service and songs are Christ centered. The teaching from the Pastor is genuine and easy to understand. Your greeters do a great job too. I look forward to coming to some of your events this Holiday season.
October 27, 2019 02:05
Grew up going to this church and I will always call it home. Love Rev. Meyer! His messages are always inspiring and helpful. Definitely feel like part of a community there, which is important.
September 19, 2019 23:04
I have been so impressed with this church! I started attending a little over 10 years ago and was frankly a very casual Christian. I want to thank the entire staff for helping me grow in my faith and my understanding of the life-changing love of Jesus. My entire family has been blessed in so many ways now that I can't even count them anymore. My kids went on mission trips and attended middle school and high school ministries, and their faith just exploded as a result. My wife and I have served the church as a volunteer in several roles and our lives have just been so blessed by those experiences (that I never would've had). I now belong to a vibrant community of true friends who have come to my rescue in the tough times, when fair-weather friends were nowhere to be found... and they've celebrated with me in the good times. I feel welcome, known and loved. The sermons are always authentic, vulnerable, and inspiring... and the worship music is simply awesome. My only advice is to join a small group Bible study as soon as you get there, that makes a larger church feel like home so much faster.

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