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Mrs Macquarie’s Chair ist ein frei stehender Felsen aus Sandstein in Form einer Sitzbank in Sydney, Australien. Er wurde 1810 von Häftlingen für Elizabeth Macquarie angefertigt. Die Felsformation befindet sich auf einer Halbinsel am Hafen von Sydney am Ende der Mrs Macquaries Road in der Nähe der Royal Botanic Gardens. Die Halbinsel heißt Mrs Macquaries Point. Elizabeth Macquarie war die Frau von Lachlan Macquarie, der von 1810 bis 1821 Gouverneur von New South Wales war. Es wird berichtet, dass sie oft auf dem Felsen saß, die Aussicht auf den Hafen genoss und dabei den Schiffen bei der Einfahrt zusah. Die Inschrift auf dem Stein lautet: „BE IT THUS RECORDED THAT THE ROAD Round the inside of the Government Domain Called Mrs. MACQUAIRIE ROAD So named by the Governor on account of her having Originally Planned it MeasuRing 3 Miles, and 377 Yards Was finally Completed on the 13ᵗʰ Day of June 1816“ „Es sei festgehalten, dass die Straße rund um das Innere des Regierungsareals, Mrs Macquairie Road genannt, so vom Gouverneur benannt nach ihr, die laut Bericht sie ursprünglich mit einer Länge von 3 Meilen und 377 Yards geplant hat, schließlich am 13. Tag des Juni 1816 vollendet wurde.“
5.00 Rated by 5 users
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November 11, 2019 18:03
A peaceful place to visit, walk around the area, enjoy the view of the magnificent opera house and the delightful city of Sydney. Perfect in summer for relax and take a sunbathing alone, with family or friends. Good place for working out as well.
November 11, 2019 18:03
Mrs Macs chair, a sandstone rock overlooking Sydney Harbour. Carved by convicts early 1800s for Major-General Lachlan Macquarie so his wife, Elizabeth, could watch for ships. How romantic ❤ This view is simply stunning, the best spot to view Sydney Harbour in all her glory. The path takes you in and around the gardens, you can lose track of time here it's so gorgeous. Pack a picnic and watch the sail boats ⛵ Popular for wedding photos too.
November 11, 2019 18:03
The best place to have the perfect iconic Sydney shot. Go there before 12 midday as the sun will hit in your favor. I went there during the sunrise it was beautiful and perfect for pictures. Don't worry about crowds. Long coast and you will get the picture you want. Park in this area is beautiful. You will also get a beautiful view of the Sydney skyline.
November 11, 2019 18:03
Amazing spot! Even thought there was a group of tourists queuing to take photos in the actual chair, the real reason to walk out here if for the views - stunning! I went about 3:30 and the light/sun is pretty terrible for photos, would recommend going before noon or closer to sunset for golden hour. The walk itself is also beautiful and when you turn around you get a fantastic Sydney skyline as well.
November 11, 2019 18:03
Such a beautiful view... I have no words to describe this place. And it is worth to visit. The opera shins in the bright Sydney sun all day. And at the night, the lights add beauty to the opera house. The patterns on the water, waves, and all the lights reflecting, is a pleasure to watch. One can keep watching this for hours. It may be hard to find parking sometimes during the day. A lot of locals visit the park daily and they are all mesmerized in this beautiful park. I prefer to drive there at night because it is easy to park. Just make sure you get a parking ticket because the police cars are always patrolling around. This is the best place to view the opera and the harbour bridge.

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