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Special Needs Kids Activities in Pueblo (Colorado), United States 1 listings available

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Parks and Recreation Administrative Office

Parks and Recreation Administrative Office

This happened on june 1st at pueblo city park doggie park friends of the dog park jewel is ok but got attacked by 2 pits yesterday. info to keep your eyes out: they had a silver saturn suv license plates hoz-023 and one pit was all black a ...

800 Goodnight Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005


Jerry Gallegos
June 3, 2019 19:28
THIS HAPPENED ON JUNE 1ST AT PUEBLO CITY PARK DOGGIE PARK Friends of the dog park jewel is ok but got attacked by 2 pits yesterday. Info to keep your eyes out: they had a silver Saturn SUV license plates HOZ-023 and one pit was all black and the other one was mostly white with some big black spots. Full grown females people were from lajunta. The lady was short probably about 5 ft tall Blond blue eyes about 185 lbs I would guess. The guy was short mexican and they both looked in there mid 30's. Just a heads up janelle
Daniel Cole
May 19, 2020 16:58
Rude and unprofessional park rangers activities for kids in over the world where you can find kids activities.