- New South Wales
- Armidale Region
- Bathurst-Orange Region
- Bathurst City
- Bland Area
- Blayney Area
- Cabonne Area
- Cowra Area
- Forbes Area
- Lachlan Area
- Lithgow Area
- Oberon Area
- Orange Area
- Outer Bathurst
- Parkes Area
- Weddin Area
- Broken Hill Region
- Central Coast NSW Region
- Coffs Harbour Region
- Cooma Region
- Dubbo Region
- Bogan Area
- Bourke Area
- Brewarrina Area
- Cobar Area
- Coonamble Area
- Dubbo Area
- Gilgandra Area
- Mudgee Area
- Narromine Area
- Walgett Area
- Warren Area
- Warrumbungle Area
- Wellington Area
- Goulburn Region
- Boorowa Area
- Bowral Area
- Goulburn City
- Harden Area
- Palerang Area
- Upper Lachlan
- Yass Valley
- Young Area
- Lismore Region
- Newcastle Region
- Cessnock Area
- Dungog Area
- Gloucester Area
- Great Lakes Area
- Lake Macquarie Area
- Maitland Area
- Muswellbrook Area
- Newcastle Area
- Port Stephens Area
- Singleton Area
- Upper Hunter
- Port Macquarie Region
- South Coast NSW Region
- Sydney Region
- Ashfield Area
- Auburn Area
- Bankstown Area
- Blacktown Area
- Blue Mountains
- Botany Bay Area
- Burwood Area
- Camden Area
- Campbelltown Area
- Canada Bay Area
- Canterbury Area
- Eastern Suburbs
- Fairfield Area
- Hawkesbury Area
- Hornsby Area
- Hunters Hill Area
- Hurstville Area
- Inner Sydney
- Kogarah Area
- Ku-ring-gai Area
- Lane Cove Area
- Leichhardt Area
- Liverpool Area
- Manly Area
- Marrickville Area
- Mosman Area
- North Sydney Area
- Parramatta Area
- Penrith Area
- Pittwater Area
- Rockdale Area
- Ryde Area
- Strathfield Area
- Sutherland Area
- The Hills District
- Warringah Area
- Willoughby Area
- Wollondilly Area
- Tamworth Region
- Gunnedah Area
- Gwydir Area
- Liverpool Plains
- Moree Plains
- Narrabri Area
- Tamworth City
- Tamworth Surrounds
- Tweed Heads Region
- Wagga Wagga Region
- Albury Area
- Berrigan Area
- Carrathool Area
- Conargo Area
- Coolamon Area
- Cootamundra Area
- Corowa Area
- Greater Hume Area
- Griffith Area
- Gundagai Area
- Hay Area
- Jerilderie Area
- Junee Area
- Leeton Area
- Lockhart Area
- Murray Area
- Murrumbidgee Area
- Narrandera Area
- Temora Area
- Tumbarumba Area
- Tumut Area
- Urana Area
- Wagga Wagga City
- Wakool Area
- Wollongong Region
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- Brisbane Region
- Brisbane North East
- Brisbane North West
- Brisbane South East
- Brisbane South West
- Logan Area
- Pine Rivers Area
- Redcliffe Area
- Redland Area
- Cairns Region
- Cairns Area
- Cairns City
- Cairns Surrounds
- Cassowary Coast
- Cook Area
- Etheridge Area
- North West Area
- Tablelands
- Torres Strait Islands
- Central QLD Region
- Gold Coast Region
- Hervey Bay Region
- Bundaberg City
- Bundaberg Surrounds
- Fraser Coast
- Gladstone Area
- Gympie Area
- North Burnett Area
- South Burnett Area
- Ipswich Region
- Mackay Region
- Rockhampton Region
- Banana Area
- Central Highlands
- Gladstone City
- Gladstone Surrounds
- Rockhampton City
- Rockhampton Surrounds
- Yeppoon Area
- Sunshine Coast Region
- Toowoomba Region
- Balonne Area
- Dalby Area
- Darling Downs
- Goondiwindi Area
- Lockyer Valley
- Roma Area
- Somerset Area
- Southern Downs
- Toowoomba City
- Toowoomba Surrounds
- Townsville Region
- South Australia
- Adelaide Region
- Adelaide City
- Adelaide Hills
- Alexandrina Area
- Barossa Area
- Barunga West
- Berri Area
- Burnside Area
- Campbelltown Area
- Charles Sturt Area
- Clare Area
- Copper Coast
- Gawler Area
- Goyder Area
- Holdfast Bay
- Kangaroo Island
- Karoonda Area
- Loxton Waikerie
- Mallala Area
- Marion Area
- Mid Murray
- Mitcham Area
- Morphett Vale Area
- Mount Barker Area
- Murray Bridge Area
- Norwood Area
- Playford Area
- Port Adelaide Area
- Prospect Area
- Renmark Paringa
- Salisbury Area
- Southern Mallee
- Tea Tree Gully Area
- The Coorong Area
- Unley Area
- Victor Harbor Area
- Wakefield Area
- Walkerville Area
- West Torrens Area
- Yankalilla Area
- Yorke Peninsula
- Mt Gambier Region
- Port Augusta Region
- Far North
- Flinders Ranges
- Mount Remarkable Area
- Northern Areas
- Orroroo Area
- Peterborough Area
- Port Augusta City
- Port Pirie City
- Roxby Downs Area
- Whyalla Area
- Port Lincoln Region
- Tasmania
- Burnie-Devonport Region
- Burnie Area
- Central Coast
- Circular Head
- Devonport Area
- Kentish Area
- King Island
- Latrobe Area
- Waratah Area
- West Coast Area
- Hobart Region
- Brighton Area
- Central Highlands
- Clarence Area
- Derwent Valley
- Glamorgan Area
- Glenorchy Area
- Hobart City
- Huon Valley
- Kingborough Area
- Sorell Area
- Southern Midlands
- Tasman Area
- Launceston Region
- Victoria
- Albury Region
- Ballarat Region
- Bendigo Region
- Bendigo City
- Bendigo Surrounds
- Central Goldfields
- Gannawarra Area
- Loddon Area
- Macedon Ranges
- Mount Alexander Area
- Geelong Region
- Horsham Region
- La Trobe Region
- Melbourne Region
- Banyule Area
- Bayside Area
- Boroondara Area
- Brimbank Area
- Cardinia Area
- Casey Area
- Darebin Area
- Frankston Area
- Glen Eira Area
- Greater Dandenong
- Hobsons Bay Area
- Hume Area
- Kingston Area
- Knox Area
- Manningham Area
- Maribyrnong Area
- Maroondah Area
- Melbourne City
- Melton Area
- Monash Area
- Moonee Valley
- Moreland Area
- Mornington Peninsula
- Nillumbik Area
- Port Phillip
- Stonnington Area
- Whitehorse Area
- Whittlesea Area
- Wyndham Area
- Yarra Area
- Yarra Ranges
- Mildura Region
- Shepparton Region
- Benalla Area
- Campaspe Area
- Mansfield Area
- Mitchell Area
- Moira Area
- Murrindindi Area
- Outer Shepparton
- Shepparton City
- Strathbogie Area
- Warrnambool Region
- Western Australia
- Albany Region
- Albany Area
- Cranbrook Area
- Denmark Area
- Esperance Area
- Pallinup Area
- Plantagenet Area
- Ravensthorpe Area
- Broome Region
- Bunbury Region
- Boddington Area
- Boyup Brook Area
- Bridgetown Area
- Bunbury Area
- Busselton Area
- Capel Area
- Collie Area
- Dardanup Area
- Donnybrook Area
- Harvey Area
- Mandurah Area
- Manjimup Area
- Margaret River Area
- Murray Area
- Nannup Area
- Waroona Area
- Carnarvon Region
- Ashburton Area
- Carnarvon Area
- Cue Area
- Exmouth Area
- Murchison Area
- Roebourne Area
- Shark Bay
- Upper Gascoyne
- Geraldton Region
- Carnamah Area
- Chapman Valley
- Coorow Area
- Dalwallinu Area
- Dandaragan Area
- Geraldton City
- Gingin Area
- Irwin Area
- Mingenew Area
- Morawa Area
- Mount Magnet Area
- Mullewa Area
- Northampton Area
- Perenjori Area
- Three Springs Area
- Yalgoo Area
- Kalgoorlie Region
- Coolgardie Area
- Kalgoorlie Area
- Laverton Area
- Leonora Area
- Meekatharra Area
- Menzies Area
- Ngaanyatjarraku Area
- Sandstone Area
- Wiluna Area
- Northam Region
- Beverley Area
- Brookton Area
- Bruce Rock Area
- Chittering Area
- Corrigin Area
- Cuballing Area
- Cunderdin Area
- Dowerin Area
- Dumbleyung Area
- Goomalling Area
- Kellerberrin Area
- Kondinin Area
- Koorda Area
- Kulin Area
- Lake Grace Area
- Merredin Area
- Moora Area
- Mount Marshall Area
- Mukinbudin Area
- Narembeen Area
- Narrogin Area
- Northam Area
- Nungarin Area
- Pingelly Area
- Quairading Area
- Tammin Area
- Toodyay Area
- Trayning Area
- Victoria Plains
- Wagin Area
- West Arthur Area
- Wickepin Area
- Williams Area
- Wongan-Ballidu Area
- Wyalkatchem Area
- Yilgarn Area
- York Area
- Perth Region
- Armadale Area
- Bassendean Area
- Bayswater Area
- Belmont Area
- Cambridge Area
- Canning Area
- Cockburn Area
- Cottesloe Area
- Fremantle Area
- Gosnells Area
- Joondalup Area
- Kalamunda Area
- Kwinana Area
- Melville Area
- Mundaring Area
- Nedlands Area
- Perth City
- Rockingham Area
- Serpentine Area
- South Perth Area
- Stirling Area
- Subiaco Area
- Swan Area
- Victoria Park Area
- Vincent Area
- Wanneroo Area
- New South Wales
- Camps
- Academic Camps
- Art Camps
- Cooking Camps
- Dance Camps
- Day Camp
- Music Camps
- Nature & Zoo Camps
- Pre-School Camp
- School Holiday Camps
- Sleepaway Camps
- Special Needs Camps
- Sports Camps
- Basketball Camps
- Soccer Camps
- Baseball Camps
- Gymnastics Camps
- Golf Camps
- Horseback Riding Camps
- Sailing Camps
- Swimming Camps
- Martial Arts Camps
- Tennis
- STEM Camps
- Theater Camps
- Traditional Day Camps
- Classes
- Family Fun
- Schools
- Party
- Services
- Special Needs
- Camps
Bundawarrah Centre - Temora Rural Museum
ReviewA fantastic regional historical museum well worth visiting. a surprising amount of equipment on display and very friendly museum volunteers. 1st class. ...
29 Junee Rd, Temora NSW 2666, Australia
July 9, 2020 08:56
A fantastic regional historical museum well worth visiting. A surprising amount of equipment on display and very friendly museum volunteers. 1st class.
Adventure Gold
February 19, 2020 09:50
An excellent museum. Allow plenty of time to look at all that is here as there really is a LOT to see. Many different buildings dedicated to specific points of interest. The N.S.W Ambulance display/museum gets good publicity for good reason. RFS display is also a good collection of fire fighting equipment throughout the years. A good display of minerals and locally found gold spikes interest in the local history of the Temora area.
Entry is $10 per person which I would say is great value for money
Deanne Doyle
July 11, 2019 03:23
When you enter this facility you think your going to be there for half an hour, well 4 hours later still going through the amazing sheds! What a find in a small country town, loved it
Temora West Park
ReviewGrass was lovely and soft, great little spot to lie down under the trees ...
140 Twynam St, Temora NSW 2666, Australia
Toni Ogilvie
March 7, 2020 08:53
Grass was lovely and soft, great little spot to lie down under the trees
Glenys Clark
October 13, 2019 09:47
Nice clean facilities, good sized park with plenty of room for the whole family, and play equipment for the kids m
Denise Clements
August 31, 2019 07:40
We've had celebrations of all descriptions and in all weather. Great spot on the best side of town.